The Speaker Sisterhood was founded in August 2016 as an experiment that started with an innocent question from a coaching client. The question “Where can I practice my speech?” led our founder to think about the options for women to get together and practice sharing their voice while learning the art of public speaking. Her conclusion: The options were very limited. In that moment, the Speaker Sisterhood was born.

It started as a journal entry and has become a nationwide network of speaking clubs for women who seek public speaking skills, the confidence to share their voice, and a strong, supportive circle of friends to help them do it. We’re gathering women who are ready to make their voice heard and discover how powerful they are.  Join us! Who knows, you might just surprise yourself.

The Speaker Sisterhood is guided by four core values:

Special over efficient

This means always taking the time to make each guest’s and member’s experience with the club a special one, even if it’s not the most efficient path.

Build community, not customers

While the Speaker Sisterhood is a for-profit business, we don’t think of our members as customers; they are part of our community. They are Speaker Sisters. That means we think about what is best for them and act with their best interest at heart.

Fun and transformational

When our members are having fun, they are more engaged. When they are more engaged, they are getting more from the experience. When they are getting more from the experience, their growth is expedited! We keep this in mind while we build the company.

Love over fear

When we come from a place of fear, the whole organization suffers. While making key strategic business decisions, we always strive for what is most loving to ourselves, our team of club leaders, and our members.

Our Team

Angela Lussier, CEO + Founder
Sandra Costello, Brand Ambassador
Beth Ann Jedzinia, Public Relations

Hari Stephen Kumar, Speech Coach
Kit Pang, Speech Coach
Adrienne Roth, Brand Ambassador

Laurie Schloff, Speech Coach
Lauren Simonds, Social Media + Web Content
Denise Vozella, Marketing


Board of Advisors

Carol Leary
Sarah Feingold
Larry Goldberg

Rick Plaut
Mike Shields, Advisor Board, Speaker Sisterhood